Monday 30 May 2011

Jujitsu Moves

Jujitsu has long been synonymous with the term martial arts for self defense, and knowing some jujitsu moves will surely get you out of a sticky patch or two. This art was developed by samurai's in ancient Japan, and it is easily one of the deadliest and most ruthless martial arts around. It is meant to protect you from attacks that come your way, and if learned correctly, it can teach you to seriously injure someone with a single blow.

The most basic jujitsu moves heavily involve locking your opponents, grappling with them, throwing them to the ground, and making use of weaponry and other ground skills. Jujitsu moves are some of the most complete and aggressive martial arts skills that one can learn, and their effectiveness is unquestioned the world over.

In order for one to learn and master these jujitsu technique a lot of training and hard work is required, and this can be received from any of the multitude of jujitsu schools that offer courses. The art of jujitsu is about 800 years old, so it is not something that can be picked up easily. People spend many many years mastering their jujitsu moves and gaining more experience. Jujitsu is, in fact, more than just a fighting technique, it is more a way of living and gaining control over your body and your mind so as to lead a positive and healthy life. Also read about the types of martial arts and martial arts styles.

Beginner Jujitsu Moves 

Learning the art of jujitsu takes many years but the basic fundamentals behind it can be understood fairly quickly. The same principles apply for most of the moves and this makes it easier to understand and learn. The throwing techniques for jujitsu moves are known as Nage Waza and some of the most common jujitsu moves for throwing are as follows.

Osoto-Gari (Major outer reap)
O-Goshi (Major hip)
Ippon-Seoi-Nage (One point shoulder throw)

Throwing techniques form an integral part of jujitsu, and without mastering them, advanced jujitsu moves are very hard to learn. Next you have the locking techniques, also known as Kansetsu Waza. The most common locking techniques are Kote-Gaeshi (Wrist twist), Ude-Kujiki (Arm break) and the Ude-Garami (Arm entanglement). The locking techniques usually go hand in hand with the throwing techniques, and together they are enough to counter any potential attackers that come your way.

Lastly, you have the ground techniques to dismantle your opponents while on the ground, and like all the other techniques, these too form the basis for basic and advanced jujitsu moves. The ground techniques are also known as Ne-Waza and it includes the Kesa-Gatame (Scarf hold), Juji Gatame (Cross lock) and the Yoko-Shiho-Gatame (Side four corner hold).

These jujitsu moves simply serve as starting points for getting to know far more advanced and deadly moves. These moves also go a long way in teaching an individual the fundamentals of balance, leverage and momentum. These concepts are key to picking up the art of jujitsu and there is no other way to learn this skill than by constant training and practice. The various skill levels of a person means that they are allotted a belt of a certain color, the highest being the black belt. The order of skill belts is as follows:

  • White belt
  • Red belt
  • Yellow belt
  • Orange belt
  • Green belt
  • Blue belt
  • Purple belt
  • Brown belt
  • Black belt

The white belt level, being the most basic of all, simply deals with kicks, punches, throwing simple strikes and blocking. A few throws are also covered within this level as it builds up to learning the advanced jujitsu moves that come with the succeeding levels.

Also see the following:

Tai Chi Moves
Hapkido Moves
Kung Fu Moves
Taekwondo Moves

To reach the level of a black belt is not simple by any means, and not everyone is capable of doing it either. More than just the knowledge of jujitsu moves, one requires sincerity, hard work and commitment to reach the next level. Enrolling in a jujitsu school is highly advisable in order to get professional training and mentoring, and to learn the very best jujitsu moves and with them best self defense.

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